Cindy Dietz passed out the Treasurer’s Report. We have $5,543.65 in the savings account and $819.34 in the checking account. Dues remain the same as last year--$73 for teaching members, $58 for retired members.

Cindy Dietz reported that the first newsletter was a challenge, but successful (sort of). She also called attention to the letter received from last year’s Grant-in-Aid recipient.

Once again, we received the Gold Award for the best newsletter at the State Convention last spring. We were tied with Nu chapter.

Programs of Work

Research—Everyone was reminded of the Holiday Auction, co-sponsored with Professional Affairs. The date is November 4th.

There will be reservations for dinner. Cocktails will start at 5:00.

Jackie will invite Gamma Gamma to join us.

Personal Growth—The group is working on a adaptation of "My Name is Annie" for the March meeting.

Legislation—Nancy Bielik reported that the summer Wolverine introduced Elizabeth Homer on page 11. She was given the Distinguished Service Award at the Alpha Iota State Convention. She is also curator of the Dodge House in Lansing and participates in the women’s book project. She will attend October 14th. In addition, Gail McKnight, 18th District Judge, would like to speak to our group for 15-20 minutes in January. Her husband is a referee in juvenile court.

Music—New songs will be utilized in the future, as well as our old favorites. Carol Anderson is the new Music chairman.

Service Projects—Judy Handley reported that we will give the Gift of Reading in October to the Wayne County Family Center. Please make books age appropriate (up to seven years). In February, we will contribute personal items for the shelter.

Birthday Dinner—We are still looking for a place to hold the dinner. Suggestions are gratefully accepted.

Seminar—The Ad Hoc Seminar committee distributed a questionnaire asking about the type of event we wanted. They will tabulate the results and use this information to present us with the best seminar possible.

Society Business

Membership—no report.

Nominations—no report.

Finance—Name tags were purchased and distributed to those present. Not all of the tags are in yet. Please be patient.


Yearbook—Colleen Retherford passed around a draft of the yearbook for corrections. Pictures are needed. If you want a substitute picture, get it to Colleen ASAP.

Newsletter—Cindy Dietz reported on the successful mailing of her first newsletter and asked for patience.

Empathy—Candy asked that circumstances that need attention be reported to her as soon as possible.

Historian—Mary Jo reported that the committee intend to bring scrapbooks to the meetings again.

Educational Services

World Fellowship—Debbie Ervin reported the collection of $232.00 for the World Fellowship Silent Auction. In addition, $4.25 was collected in pin money. She thanked everyone for their generous participation in the auction.

Scholarship—Cindy Dietz reported that we should be using the phrase Grant-in-Aid instead of Scholarship when giving money to non-members.

A motion was made and seconded to form an Ad Hoc Committee (Library) for the purpose of contributing $150 worth of books libraries represented by members of our society. The motion was made and seconded that we start with high school libraries and work our way through the society in years to come. This will be an on-going project. Ms. Homer has piqued our collective consciousness. Members volunteering to be on this committee include: Ruth Everett, Nancy Bielik, Celestine Sanders, Judy Handley. A suggestion was made that a book plate be designed to indicate our contribution and that the books should be presented at a School Board Meeting to publicize our society.

Respectfully submitted,
Cindy Dietz, Corresponding Secretary
Substituting for Carol Holland, Recording Secretary